Steve Gill Blasts The Tennessean Fake News Attacks on Governor Bill Lee and Speaker Casada on The Tennessee Star Report

In a specific discussion on Tuesday morning’s Tennessee Star Report with Steve Gill and Michael Patrick Leahy – broadcast on Nashville’s Talk Radio 98.3 and 1510 WLAC weekdays from 5:00 am to 8:00 am – host Steve Gill talked in depth about The Tennessean newspapers fake news attacks on Governor Bill Lee and House Speaker Glen Casada.

Gill described how The Tennessean has become a fake news, political, agenda driven news outlet instead of an unbiased reporting source for the people of middle Tennessee.

I want to touch on a couple of the biased propagandized stories in the Tennessean today. First of all the Tennessean taking Governor Bill Lee to task I believe unfairly for taking his salary as Governor. The dude’s showing up for work right? The state provides a salary for the Governor of the State of Tennessee. Gets paid whether he’s a Democrat or a Republican, Conservative or Liberal.

It’s the paycheck!

Now President Trump, who’s a self described billionaire is donating his money to various federal agencies. No requirement to do so. Bill Haslam, worth billions. Some of which came from ripping off truckers and other individuals. But he made a lot of money from the family company that he had nothing to do with running. Phil Bredesen made a bundle off the healthcare industry. Driving down the payments to individuals with health insurance to make a bundle for himself. They were extraordinarily wealthy guys. They decided to forgo the salary. It’s their business. But to attack Governor Bill Lee for accepting the payment for the job he’s doing is again part of the RICH PEOPLE ARE EVIL, socialism, anti-Americanism that is what the left and the Democratic party has become and it is clearly reflected in The Tennessean.

Now, of course, they’re also doing the daily hit piece on House Speaker Republican conservative Glen Casada because it fulfills their political agenda. It has nothing to do with truth and accuracy and reporting. It has to do with their agenda from a political biased left wing standpoint. And the latest today is their attack on Governor Lee for accepting his salary. It’s not like the guys not showing up for work and accepting a salary. He’s showing up. He’s doing the job and he’s accepting the paycheck that goes with it. And that’s something that you have to be critical of if you’re the left wing Tennessean.

And then one of the stories today, they highlight, [serious voice] since voters elected Bill Lee he’s hired roughly eighteen hundred employees costing tax payers sixty five million dollars according to the USA today network. ‘The Tennessean analysis of state payroll records.’ Um, yeah – when a new administration comes in, typically they hire the people that fit the personnel and policy agenda of their campaign. They are elected because they present their policy agenda to the voters. The voters vote for them and the way you implement those policies are to hire people who will reflect and implement those policies rather than obstruct them and try to block them. It’s one of the problems for President Trump in Washington. He did not bring in people who would advance the policies that the American people elected him to advance. And as we’ve pointed out, personnel is policy.

I mean, our objections to Governor Lee have not been about his policies – it’s been about his people he has hired at the top of his cabinet who do not reflect the policies that he advanced on the campaign trail. Now hopefully as they start filling more slots, and apparently according to The Tennessean, [stern voice] eighteen hundred of them have [chuckles] been hired. Thirty nine people hired between the November election and March third earned more than one hundred thousand dollars. ‘How awful that is,’ according to The Tennessean. Well that’s the job, that’s the salaries that they were for the previous administrations. Salaries perhaps slightly increased because of inflation that they were when Phil Bredesen was Governor. And yet because these same people now are making these amounts of money under a Republican governor, a conservative governor The Tennessean doing their hit piece.

Again you know, I’ve got things I’ve criticized Governor Lee about, mainly his personnel decisions that I don’t think will reflect the policies he says he’s going to advance. But this business of attacking him for hiring people in his administration to fill the slots being vacated by those who came before to clean out those who will not push his agenda with those who will in which the voters elected him to do. Is again another indication of how far down the path The Tennessean has become a left wing operation rather than real news. I mean it’s fake news. They’re criticizing Lee for hiring several people from his campaign staff. Well that’s the history of politics. You dance with the ones that brung you.  And the people that have shown the loyalty that you can count on, you can depend upon and who believe that they can best implement the policies that they helped elect you to push. That’s what they’re supposed to do!

Listen to the full segment here:

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Tune in weekdays from 5:00 – 8:00 am to the Tennessee Star Report with Steve Gill and Michael Patrick Leahy on Talk Radio 98.3 FM WLAC 1510. Listen online at iHeart Radio.
Background Photo “Glen Casada and Bill Lee” by Glen Casada.








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